Friday, August 31, 2007

Free Google Adsense Secret of Joel Comm - I didn't believe I purchase it

Truly I can't believe it,

I found the free download of Joel Comm - Google Adsense Secret ebook just right after
purchasing it for full price.

Yes it does, Google Adsense Secret - What google never told you about making money with adsense "3 steps to higher adsense income", second edition, expanded edition, a 129 pages ebook.

Feeling worse, Google Adsense Secret sold on a site and given for free on the other site at the same time.

You right, it made me mad.

I was just searching using unique string capability og Google Search Engine and the link just show up.

I was searching for pdf file type using google and put adsense and some keyword.

I got some link and download them.

I found an e-book with similar title.

And there it was

Google Adsense Secret - What google never told you about making money with adsense "3 steps to higher adsense income", second edition, expanded edition, a 129 pages ebook.

On the other side, I really admire google powerful searhing query

1 comment:

Free Stuff and Bies said...

Didn't mean to offend Joel Comm but surely he need to deal seriously with his stuff

My last search using Google found its second edition , free downloadable.

Just make a search using google search engine with its special query and some link will show up.

I can believe it, it was sold and given free at the same time.

And I couldn't believe I bought it with full price.